Dictionary Definition :
乙密 (yǐ mì) “earnestly, resolutely; minutely, thoroughly”(?) (a rhyming compound [畳韻])
{not found at 《漢語大詞典》1.721.} ; {not found at 《大漢和辞典》1.355.} ;
cf. Karashima 1997: 35
Dharmarakṣa: {97c29} 賢者阿難自念言:“我寧可蒙受決例乎?” 心念此已,發願 乙 密 ,即從坐起,稽首佛足(p)
{K.215.2} prārthayitvā
Kumārajīva: {not found at L.29b24}
Dharmarakṣa: {107c16} 假使菩薩乙密(←乙蜜misprint)觀察斯一切法,欵欵修此所當行者,常住威儀、禮節二事(p)
{≠ K.278.3} abhīkṣṇaṃ
Kumārajīva: {L.37b16} 常
A Digital Edition of A Glossary of Dharmarakṣa translation of the Lotus Sutra by Seishi Karashima, 1998