事障 [py] shìzhàng [wg] shih-chang [ko] 사장 sajang [ja] ジショウ jishou ||| The "phenomenal hindrances," which, according to the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment, along with the "noumenal hindrances" (lizhang 理障) impede the attainment of enlightenment. The phenomenal hindrances are those of the human passions of like and dislike, and all other related addictive or painful emotions which keep sentient beings bound in the cycle of life and death. Therefore, these hindrances are analogous to the "hindrances of affliction" (fannaozhang 煩惱障) of the school of Consciousness-only. Compared to the hindrances of principle, they are relatively superficial, and thus may be overcome by the practices of the two vehicles 二乘. (圓覺經, T 842.17.916b20 ff.)
Phenomenal hindrances to entry into nirvāṇa, such as desire, etc.; 理障 are noumenal hindrances, such as false doctrine, etc.
二障之一。指貪、瞋、慢、無明、見、疑等之煩惱;此等煩惱能令生死相續而障涅槃,故稱事障。與「理障」相對稱。理障則指根本無明(又稱元品無明),乃有礙 正知正見,而障本覺真如之理者。圓覺經(大一七‧九一六中):「云何二障?一者理障,礙正知見;二者事障,續諸生死。」 (參閱「二障」241)