Faith and interpretation, i.e. to believe and understand or explain the doctrine; the dull or unintellectual believe, the intelligent interpret; also, faith rids of heresy, interpretation of ignorance.
信解 (1) Believing and understanding the teachings. Having both faith and understanding in the Buddhist teaching. Correct faith, complete understanding (adhimukti). (2) Belief in oneself and others. (3) Joy, the arousal of the mind determined for enlightenment.
梵語 adhimukti,巴利語 adhimutti。音譯阿毘目底。(一)依信而得勝解者。又作信勝解。為鈍根者修行階位之名,乃七聖之一,十八有學之一,二十七賢聖之一。與「見至」相對。俱舍論卷二十三(大二九‧一二二下):「至住果位捨得二名,謂不復名隨信、法行,轉得信解、見至二名,此亦由根鈍利差別。」此謂諸鈍根者於見道位中,本稱為隨信行,及至修道住果之位,則稱信解。〔大毘婆沙論卷五十四、卷九十三、瑜伽師地論卷二十六〕 (二)起信生解之意。占察善惡業報經卷下(大一七‧九○九上):「能於究竟甚深第一實義中,不生怖畏,遠離誹謗,得正見心,能信解故。」〔大日經卷一、華嚴經探玄記卷二〕
信解 (xìn jiě) ( “has faith in and understanding of (the Buddhist teaching)” )
{《漢語大詞典》1.1422b(梁代)} ; {《大漢和辞典》1.800a(法華經)} ;
Dharmarakṣa: {71a12} (buddhas)爲講分別 是大尊法 本性清淨 乃信解之 若在天上 世間亦然(v)
{K.49.10} adhimuktiṃ tatha āśayaṃ
Kumārajīva: {L.8c9} 深心之所欲