出家 Literally, to "leave home." To renounce the secular life, or, in other words, to enter the Buddhist monastic system. The purpose of leaving home is to allow the believer to leave behind all kinds of worldly distractions and concentrate his/her full energies on the practice of the Buddhist path. The world-renunciant practitioner stands in contrast to the "lay practitioner" 在家, who attempts to conduct his or her Buddhist practice whīe continuing to meet worldly responsibilities. (pravrajita)
pravraj; to leave home and become a monk or nun.
pra-√varj, pravrajita, pravrajyā, abhiniṣkrānta; agārasyānagārikāṃ pravrajitāḥ, anāgārikāṃ pravrajitāḥ, abhiniryāṇa, abhi-niṣ-√kram, abhiniṣkrama, abhiniṣkramaṇa, abhiniṣkrānta-gṛhā vāsa, abhyupagata, cailaka, cailaka-bhūta, tapas, niṣ-√kram, niṣkramaṇa, niṣkrānta, naiṣkramya, pravrajana, pravrajitvā, pravrajya, pravrājaka, pravrājita, bhikṣu, bhikṣuṇī, yati.
出家人 pravrajita, pravrājita, parivrājaka, ārya-miśrikā. P.258