已 (yǐ) (a particle, used at the end of a sentence to indicate the completion of an action, at the point before the beginning of another action, generally corresponding to gerunds in the Sanskrit texts)
{《漢語大詞典》4.70} ; {《大漢和辞典》4.383} ;
Dharmarakṣa: {66b13} 佛授決已,尋於夜半,而取滅度(p)
Kumārajīva: {L.4b5} (授記)已
Dharmarakṣa: {90b16} 五百億百千梵天………適見佛 已 (v.l. 以),尋時即往。稽首于地,繞無數匝,手執大華,而散佛上(p)
{K.169.3} dṛṣṭvā ca
Kumārajīva: {not found at L.23c8}
Dharmarakṣa: {91b21} 於時,五百百千億大梵天衆讚歎佛 已 ,啓勸令佛轉大法輪,開度十方安隱世人(p)
{K.178.2} abhiṣṭutya
{O} abhistavitvā
Kumārajīva: {L.24c23} 讚(佛)已
Dharmarakṣa: {97c29} 賢者阿難自念言:“我寧可蒙受決例乎?” 心念此 已 ,發願乙密,即從坐起,稽首佛足(p)
{K.215.2} cintayitvā
Kumārajīva: {not found at L.29b24}
Dharmarakṣa: {106b24} 此學、不學六千比丘尼爲諸衆生菩薩法師,次第具足菩薩行 已 ,當成爲佛,號曰一切衆生咸敬如來、至眞、等正覺(p)
{K.269.1} paripūrya(v.l. paripūrayitvā)
Kumārajīva: {not found at L.36a20}
Dharmarakṣa: {106c13} 比丘尼説此頌 已 ,白世尊曰:“唯然,大聖!……”(p)
{K.270.5} bhāṣitvā
Kumārajīva: {L.36b7} 説(是偈)已
Dharmarakṣa: {125b4} 時有菩薩,名衆生憙見,……… 即便逮得普現三昧。逮此定 已 ,輒復思惟:“吾以逮是普現三昧……”(p)
{K.406.1} saha-pratilambhāt
Kumārajīva: {L.53a26} 得(此三昧)已
etc. etc.