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禪宗永嘉集 [py] Chánzōng yŏngjiā jí [wg] Ch'an-tsung yung-chia chi [ko] 선종영가집 Sŏnjong yŏnggajip [ja] ゼンシュウヨウカシュウ Zenshūyōkashū ||| The Chanzong yongjia ji, one fascicle, T 2013.48.387b-395c, by Xuanjue 玄覺 of Yongjia 永嘉, a disciple of Huineng 慧能. The text discusses practice and enlightenment in ten gradually deepening stages. Its preface is by the Qing governor Weijing 魏静. It explains the positions of Southern Chan, mixed in with Tiantai and Huayan doctrine. This text was popular in Korean Sŏn, where it was commented on by Kihwa 己和 (HPC vol. 7, see below). The text is popularly known by the short title of Yongjia ji 永嘉集.
[Dictionary References] [Credit] cmuller(entry) cwittern(py)
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