Dictionary Definition :
陳義孝編, 竺摩法師鑑定, 《佛學常見辭彙》
經量部 [py] Jīngliáng bù [wg] Ching-liang pu [ko] 경량부 Kyŏngyangbu [ja] キョウリョウブ Kyōryōbu ||| Sautrāntika. One of the 20 Hīnayāna sects. This sect itself had an original group and a branch group. Both factions posited a basic seed consciousness theory. The original group developed the idea of the continuation of saṃsāra by mutual perfumation of consciousness and materiality; the branch sect established the theory of a subtle "ālaya" consciousness that is beginningless. As the name indicates, this school was known for its strict reliance on the sūtras 經, rather than on śāstras 論 and abhidharma.
[Dictionary References] Iwa184 [Credit] cmuller(entry) cwittern(py)