Apidamo jushe lun Abhidharmakośa-bhāsya [Abhidharma Storehouse Treatise], by Vasubandhu 世親. translated between 563-7 by Paramārtha 眞諦 (22 fasc. T 1559.29.161-310) and between 651 and 654 by Xuanzang 玄奘 (30 fasc., T 1558.29.1-160). Vasubandhu's most important pre-Yogācāra work. Consisting of verses (also translated separately as T 1560) with exposition, the Kośa organizes and condenses primarily Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma teachings, but not without being critical, and hence adopting positions associated with other Buddhist schools, such as the Sautrāntikas 經量部. It was this intellectual restlessness that eventually led Vasubandhu to become a Yogācārin. This text includes detailed analysis of the action of human consciousness in its relationship to the environment, as well as the transformations that occur in the process of meditation practice, containing treatment of most of the philosophical topics contained in the Abhidharma treatises, as well as a refutation of the theories of the Vaibhāṣikas. Both Chinese versions consist of nine chapters, including discussions on dhātu 界, indriya 根, loka, karman 業, anuśaya 隨眠, āryapudgala, jñāna 知, samādhi 定, and refutation of the concept atman 我. Its doctrines would contribute to the development of the theories of the school of Yogācāra 瑜伽行派. The title is commonly abbreviated as Jushe lun 倶舍論.
Vallée Poussin (1931) translated Xuanzang's version into French (6 vols.) before a Sanskrit version was rediscovered in this century. Leo Pruden (1988) translated the French version into English, though some errors were introduced. Jha (1983) offers separate English translations of the Sanskrit version (as edited by Prahlad Pradhan) and Vallée Poussin's rendition of Xuanzang, but he stops with Chapter Two (the Kośa has nine chapters). Further volumes of Jha's work have not been announced.
Same as 阿毘達磨倶舎論.
梵名 Abhidharmakośa-śāstra。略稱俱舍論。意譯對法藏論、聰明論。乃部派佛教教理之集大成,大毘婆沙論之綱要書。西元四五○年世親菩薩(梵 Vasubandhu)所著。漢譯本有二,一為陳天嘉四年(563),真諦所譯之阿毘達磨俱舍釋論二十二卷,世稱舊俱舍;對之,唐永徽二年(651)玄奘所譯之三十卷,歷來為法相宗之基本教本,則稱新俱舍。兩本均收於大正藏第二十九冊。
在我國,俱舍論譯出後即取代前此之毘曇宗。日本於奈良時代傳入俱舍論而成立俱舍宗之一派,且以俱舍論為基礎之研學傳統延續至現代。在印度以及西藏佛教亦盛行研究此論。梵本已於西藏發現,然僅刊行偈頌(V.V. Gokhale: The Text of the Abhidharmakośakārikā of Vasubandhu, 1946),俱舍本論則在印度巴特那(Patna)出版(P. Pradhan: Abhidharmakośa-bhāsya of Vasubandhu, 1967)。偈頌與俱舍論均有西藏譯本,即:Chos-mvon-pahimdsod-kyi tshig lehur byas-pa(Abhidharmakośa-kārikā,北京版 115, pp. 115~127 與 Chos-mvon-pahi mdsod-kyi bśad-pa(Abhidharmakośa-bhāsya,北京版 115, pp. 127~283)。
據傳在印度曾有德慧、世友、安慧、陳那、稱友、滿增(梵 Pūrnavardhana)、寂天(梵 Śamathadeva)等之注釋,現存者唯稱友所作。又有 U. Wogihara:Sphutārthā Abhidharmakośavyākhyā, 1~7(Tokyo, 1932~1936),此釋本亦有西藏譯本,頗受重視。即:Chos-mvon-pahi mdsod-kyi hgrel-bśad(Abhidharmakosa-tīkā,北京版 116, pp. 43~117),西藏譯除此外猶保存有滿增、寂天、陳那等之注釋。
漢譯有安慧俱舍論實義疏之殘本五卷,敦煌本有此書(收於大正藏第二十九冊),真諦注舊俱舍之疏十六卷、義疏五十三卷等已逸失。注釋玄奘之譯著,有普光之俱舍論記三十卷及法寶之俱舍論疏三十卷,向來被視為研究俱舍論之指南書。圓輝之俱舍論頌疏三十卷亦受珍視,此疏省略爭論部分,簡明地解釋有部之教理,故容易理解。近年日人旭雅撰冠導俱舍論一書亦常被利用;法宣著俱舍論講義十卷,對初學者極有助益。我國有演培之俱舍論頌講記一書。〔大唐西域記卷四、歷代三寶紀卷九、開元釋教錄卷七、卷八、阿毘達磨論の研究(木村泰賢)、小乘仏教思想論(木村泰賢著,演培譯)、俱舍論講義(舟橋一哉)、俱舍論の教義及び其發達(舟橋一哉)、俱舍論の原典解明(山口益、舟橋一哉)、Th. Stcherbatsky: The central conception of Buddhism and the meaning of the word“Dharma”, London, 1923; O. Rosenberg: Die Probleme der buddhistischen Philosophie, Heidelberg, 1924〕