Showing results for "UK"

The Price of Freedom
The wisdom of embracing uncertainty
Uploaded 15 Sep 2021
Book Review: <i>Zen Is Right Now</i>—A Fresh Collection of Teachings by Zen Master Shunryu Suzuki Roshi
A long-time student offers an intimate glimpse into the breadth of Suzuki's teachings
Uploaded 13 Sep 2021
<i>Beginner’s Mind:</i> Looking for the East in the West and Finding Myself Instead
An exploration of Buddhist thought and practice
Uploaded 16 Aug 2021
No Poverty: The Sustainable Development Goals and Buddhism
Interdependence and the path toward social equality
Uploaded 14 Jul 2021
Daisetsu Teitarō Suzuki: “Suzuki Zen”
A careful analysis of D. T. Suzuki’s presentation of Zen and his academic critics
Uploaded 28 Jun 2021
Is This Buddhism? The Oneness of Spiritual Liberation and Social Justice
Manifesting the morality at the heart of the Buddhadharma
Uploaded 12 May 2021
Lessons in Impermanence: A Conversation with Choje Lama Wangchuk of the Thrangu Monasteries
Learning about Ven. Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche from his close student and nephew
Uploaded 12 Apr 2021
Myanmar: A Month into the Coup
Peaceful protests and civil disobedience in the face of violent oppression
Uploaded 12 Mar 2021
The Other Shoe Drops: Reflections on Myanmar’s Latest Coup
The struggle for peace and equality and the path to liberation
Uploaded 10 Feb 2021
Khandro Dorje Phagmo Rinpoche: An Ancient Legacy Manifested
Pursuing the call of a sacred prophecy
Uploaded 9 Feb 2021
Last Week in Samsara
Where do we go from here? Our choice between chaos and community
Uploaded 15 Jan 2021
<i>Metta’s</i> Thousand Oceans
Bringing loving-kindness to UK students and academic services staff
Uploaded 1 Dec 2020
Toward a Beloved Community
Engaged Buddhism and the path to reconciliation and redemption
Uploaded 17 Nov 2020
<i>Metta</i> Delivers
Loving-kindness finds its way to students trapped in lockdown in the UK
Uploaded 4 Nov 2020
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