Showing results for "Vinaya Pitaka"

Pavarana: Marking the End of the Rains Retreat
Enhancing communal harmony at the end of the annual rains retreat
Uploaded 6 Nov 2015
The Pirivena System of Buddhist Education in Sri Lanka
The Buddha is renowned as an accomplished teacher, and his sole purpose was to propagate the truth of life as he understood it. The Ariyapariyesana Sutta of the Majjhima Nikaya (Collection of middle-l
Uploaded 12 Dec 2014
The Theravada Monastic Robe: The Design and Meaning
  The saffron robe of a Theravada Buddhist monastic is instantly recognizable to Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike. But what is the origin, function and meaning of the design? In ancie
Uploaded 10 Apr 2014
The Significance of the Kathina Robe Offering Ceremony
The practice of rains-retreat
Uploaded 1 Nov 2013
The amplification of Buddhist monastic rules during the rains-retreat <i>vassavasa</i>
Part two of a series about the ancient rains-retreat
Uploaded 16 Oct 2013
Ecological Crisis: A Buddhist Analysis and its Resolution
Editor's note: This article was first published in the now-retired Bodhi Journal, Issue 10, December 2008.   Email:bdsaddhananda@yahoo.com ‘The earliest doctrinal elemen
Uploaded 26 Apr 2013
The Impact of Mahayana Buddhism on Sri Lanka
Editor's note: This article was first published in the now-retired Bodhi Journal, Issue 8, June 2008.  When examining the influence of Mahayana Buddhism in Sri Lanka it would be appropriate to approac
Uploaded 22 Apr 2013
What is the Role of the Buddhist Sangha in the 21st Century?
We can see from the study of the Buddha’s earliest teachings in the vinaya-piṭaka, that he originally taught only dhamma necessary for the attainment of nibbāna. The dhammas such as the Four Nob
Uploaded 7 Jan 2013
The Story behind the Kaṭhina Robe
Kaṭhina and Kaṭhina kusala   What is meant by Kaṭhina? The Pali term ‘Kaṭhina’ means: strong, strength, hard, solid, rigid, powerful, firm, inflexible, and stiff. Therefore, Kaṭhina kusala means: ‘v
Uploaded 1 Oct 2012
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