Showing results for "forests"

<i>Buddhistdoor View</I>: Ambition and Recognition—Moral Questions About Secular Aspirations
Reconciling secular ambitions with Buddhist practice
Uploaded 19 Aug 2016
<i>Buddhistdoor View</i>: Cultivating Gratitude this Holiday Season
Meaningful living through mindful awareness and gratitude
Uploaded 24 Dec 2015
Kalmykia: Lore and Memory at the Far Side of the Buddhist World
Raymond Lam travels to the windswept steppes of Kalmykia to explore the history of a genuine frontier of Eurasian Buddhism.
Uploaded 21 Dec 2015
Drawing Boundaries
Engaging with the benefits of boundaries and discipline
Uploaded 4 Dec 2015
Zen Buddhist Aesthetics in the Works of Joanne Julian
Meher McArthur on mixed-media artist Joanne Julian
Uploaded 4 Sep 2015
The Kanheri Caves, Mumbai: A Precious Monument to Buddhist Civilization
A fascinating glimpse into the ancient roots of Buddhism
Uploaded 14 Aug 2015
<i>Buddhist Art of Myanmar</i> - Exhibition Review
Whilst many museums around the world have historically collected works of art from Myanmar, few have mounted exhibitions dedicated to the Buddhist art of that country. The pioneering show Buddhist Art
Uploaded 10 Jul 2015
Walking the Motherhood Walk
While my husband and I waited for the birth of our daughter nine months ago, I spent much of my pregnancy contemplating how I would incorporate my aspirations as a mother, nearly 20 years’ experience
Uploaded 12 Jun 2015
Haunting the Himalayas: Spirits, Demons, and Gods in Tibetan Buddhism
Whether by the titanic mountains of the Himalayan range or the weird, lonely, lunar expanse of the plateau itself, it is not unusual to feel overwhelmed by the natural landscape of Tibet. It is small
Uploaded 6 Feb 2015
Beyond the Fluttering Flags and Majestic Mountains: The Untold Story of Kyanjin Gompa
On the return leg of the Gonsaikunda trek, centered on the famous Gosaikunda Lake in the Langtang National Park in Nepal, I was attracted by a range of mountains to the northwest of Kathmandu. Asking
Uploaded 26 Nov 2014
"Reflections from the Land of Rivers": Rangamati, First Encounter with the Chittagong Hill Tracts
In the second article in this series, I share my personal reflections on my journey to Bangladesh from 25 May–4 June. I have written this as a diary. 26–27 May After an overnight bus ride from Dhaka
Uploaded 21 Nov 2014
Why Practice Mindfulness Anyway?
With most things in our daily lives, it's easy to lose sight of why we do what we do. It's so easy to keep up a form while forgetting the meaning or to drop form and meaning only to drift away from wh
Uploaded 11 Jul 2014
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