Showing results for "introspection"

Bringing Awareness Practice from Retreat into the World
Cultivating awareness and action
Uploaded 1 Nov 2017
Founding a Landmark of the Dharma in Canada
Establishing the Po Lam nunnery in Chilliwack
Uploaded 29 Dec 2016
From Seoul to Somerville: The Founding of a Korean Won Buddhist Temple in Massachusetts
Tracing the spiritual journey of Rev. Youngju Kim
Uploaded 4 Mar 2016
Approaching Vajrayana – Part Four: A Tale of Two Sciences
An examination of Tibetan Buddhism's empirical approach to the study of the Dharma
Uploaded 5 Feb 2016
The “Yogyakarta Statement”: Guidelines for Religious Harmony and Communal Stability
In recent years, we have heard much about the importance of mutual tolerance and non-discrimination on the part of religious believers and communities. But somehow, the practical reality of achieving
Uploaded 22 May 2015
Zen and the Art of Tea Drinking—an Exhibition at the Freer
There is a painting in the Freer Gallery of Art’s current exhibition, Zen, Tea, and Chinese Art in Medieval Japan, that beautifully symbolizes the remarkable cultural exchange and synthesis that
Uploaded 18 Feb 2015
Science and Meditation: New Developments in Buddhist Research
Introduction   Buddhism has many unique assets as a religious tradition. It has been received well in many Western countries. It places humankind at the center of its attention. It does not require
Uploaded 11 Jul 2013
A Sustainable, Happy Future: The Centre of Buddhist Studies’ 10th Anniversary at The University of Hong Kong
 “The Buddha taught the root cause of suffering and provided the key to its cessation. He exposited the law behind the arising of phenomena, observed things as they truly are, and imparted wisdom that
Uploaded 27 Oct 2012
10th Anniversary Brochure
Walking Together on the path to Sustainable Happiness   Happiness is something we all long for. Yet, a state of happiness, once obtained, is difficult to sustain. What makes happiness sustainable? How
Uploaded 27 Oct 2012
The Dhamma to be Practiced
Anyone familiar with Buddhism must be familiar with the Pāli term “Dhamma” or the Sanskrit term “Dharma”. Leaving aside all the philosophical connotations implied by the term Dhamma, most would unders
Uploaded 15 May 2010
The Sound of Silence
Recounting lessons learned from a Buddhist abbey
Uploaded 1 Dec 2009
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