Showing results for "lovingkindness"

Thelma’s Grudge: A Lesson in Compassion
In the mid-1990s, I spent a year as a volunteer at Zen Hospice Project’s (ZHP) Guest House in downtown San Francisco, helping the four resident patients one day a week. During that time, I learn
Uploaded 31 Oct 2014
Opening the Heart to Difficult People
Rick was a hardscrabble kid from Indiana who came to Zen Hospice Project’s (ZHP) four-patient guest house in downtown San Francisco with AIDS. He was not yet 20. I’d been volunteering
Uploaded 12 Sep 2014
Overcoming the Near Enemy of Lovingkindness
Being present with terminally ill people will teach you a lot. It’s a powerful mindfulness practice to maintain an accepting awareness of the sights, sounds, smells and emotions that arise. Many
Uploaded 10 Jul 2014
Buddhist Arahants: A comparative vision focusing on Acharn Mun
Dr. Lisa Kemmerer is a philosopher-activist dedicated to working against oppression, whether on behalf of the environment, nonhuman animals, or disempowered human beings. Her books include I
Uploaded 4 Feb 2013
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