Showing results for "milarepa"

<i>Buddhistdoor View</i>: Engaged Buddhism, Donald Trump, and the Way of Compassion
On the question of Buddhist detachment
Uploaded 10 Feb 2017
Buddhism and Creative Writing, Part One
Can creative writing be considered part of our Dharma practice
Uploaded 26 Aug 2016
A Tribute to Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche
Celebrating the achievements of one of Vajryayana Buddhism's great teachers
Uploaded 22 Jul 2016
<i>Buddhistdoor View</i>—Breaking the Death Taboo
Finding freedom in accepting the certainty of death
Uploaded 10 Jun 2016
The Siikainen Stupa: The Northernmost Stupa in the World
The “Siikainen Stupa,” named after its location in the Siikainen Municipality, in the Satakunta region of western Finland, is the northernmost stupa in the world. This is the story of its construction.
Uploaded 21 Dec 2015
Following Ancient Traces
Ladakh-Zanskar maintains a cultural ecology of Cham that exists nowhere else
Uploaded 16 Oct 2015
The Life Story of Ani Zamba Chozom: Part Four - Finding the Nyingma Lineage
Part four of the extraordinary life of Ani Zamba Chozom!
Uploaded 5 Jun 2015
Echoes of Milarepa in the Mountains of Manang
“Uprooting all confusion from your mind, Stay with me here in rest and quiet. At this very moment the fear of death is full upon you; You are thinking, ‘Safety lies on the far side of the
Uploaded 13 Mar 2015
Sangye Migyur Ling Lhakhang: A Tower for Milarepa in the Land of the Thunder Dragon
A new pilgrimage spot for Milarepa in Bhutan
Uploaded 5 Dec 2014
Dongyu Gatsal Ling Nunnery
“If we are serious about becoming the masters of our minds and emotions, instead of the slaves of our minds and emotions, if we are really serious about leading a life which will be of benefit for our
Uploaded 31 Oct 2014
Ecological Crisis: A Buddhist Analysis and its Resolution
Editor's note: This article was first published in the now-retired Bodhi Journal, Issue 10, December 2008.   Email:bdsaddhananda@yahoo.com ‘The earliest doctrinal elemen
Uploaded 26 Apr 2013
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