Showing results for "panna"

Venerable Hāsapañña: Finding Contentment in Solitude
The flourishing of a monastic community in Western Australia
Uploaded 28 Apr 2017
Anukampa Bhikkhuni Project: Nuns’ Monastery Set to Become Reality
New developments in the initiative to establish a bhikkhuni monastery in the UK
Uploaded 9 Dec 2016
The View from the Top
The final part of Sister Ocean's examination of the ten paramis
Uploaded 2 Dec 2016
Buddhist Perspectives on Sustainable Economic Development
Buddhism versus the market economy
Uploaded 11 Nov 2016
A Small and Precious Miracle
Meditating on metta
Uploaded 4 Nov 2016
Procrastination, Determination, and Compassion
The spiritual perfection of adhitthana
Uploaded 7 Oct 2016
The 2,600th Anniversary of the Global Bhikkhuni Sangha and Fourfold Sangha of the Buddha
Witnessing the revival of the female monasticism in the Buddhist world
Uploaded 9 Sep 2016
Approaching Chan, Part 2: The Two Streams of Chan Contemplative Practices
Tracing the roots of Chan Buddhist thought
Uploaded 26 Aug 2016
Anukampa Bhikkhuni Project: The First Buddhist Nunnery in the UK
A milestone for female monasticism in Britain
Uploaded 5 Aug 2016
<i>Jataka Stories in Theravada Buddhism</i> and <i>The Ten Great Birth Stories of the Buddha</i> – Book Review
Collections of beloved tales of the Buddha's past lives
Uploaded 8 Jul 2016
Intimacy, Humility, and Stillness: The Perfection of Wisdom
An examination of wisdom, the fourth of the ten paramis
Uploaded 17 Jun 2016
Wonder: The Heart of Renunciation
Stripping away distractions to rediscover wonder
Uploaded 20 May 2016
Inner Goodness: The Perfection of Morality
Understanding happiness and practicing sila
Uploaded 22 Apr 2016
Adding Buddhism to Business
Twenty years ago, Tsering was a fully ordained monk in Tibet. Now, 40-year-old Tsering is a farmer and businessman in China. When his sister fell gravely ill, Tsering left Ganden monastery (belonging
Uploaded 12 Dec 2014
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