Showing results for "spiritual care"

Serving Humanity in Transition: Chinese Buddhism and Spiritual Care in the United States
Loving-kindness, compassion, vicarious joy, and equanimity: the path to collective transformation
Uploaded 8 Sep 2021
Buddhist Spiritual Care
How chaplaincy fills a special role in contemporary Dharma leadership
Uploaded 28 Jul 2021
Tsz Shan Monastery and Greater Good: Spiritual Care in Turbulent Times
A joint program of spiritual care for the COVID-19 era
Uploaded 19 Aug 2020
Curiosity and Doubt: The Spiritual Career of Judith Simmer-Brown
The spiritual enquiries of an American Buddhist scholar
Uploaded 19 Feb 2016
Buddhists can learn from the example of Turkish hospitality
In the Abrahamic traditions, hospitality for guests and outsiders has always been central to religious practice and identity. Our generation today struggles to acquaint itself with the life-giving pow
Uploaded 6 Aug 2013
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