Showing results for "strike"

<i>Buddhistdoor View</i>: Honoring the Lessons of Martin Luther King Jr. for Today’s World
Lessons from a history of religious engagement and American politics
Uploaded 13 Apr 2017
Self-reflection in Kashmir
A meditation on the path to conflict resolution and interfaith harmony
Uploaded 3 Feb 2017
Approaching Chan, Part 3: The Methods of Lingji’s Huatou and Caodong’s Silent Illumination
Master Sheng Yen's innovations in Chan Buddhism
Uploaded 23 Sep 2016
My Grandmother’s Greenhouse and Other Portals to Wonder
Nourishing the light of awe and enchantment
Uploaded 2 Sep 2016
Intimacy, Humility, and Stillness: The Perfection of Wisdom
An examination of wisdom, the fourth of the ten paramis
Uploaded 17 Jun 2016
Reflections on Learning to Paint like a Medieval <i>Thangka</i> Painter: Hand-grinding Gems and Minerals into Pigment
Appreciating the more-than-700-year-old tradition of the Newari people of Nepal
Uploaded 26 Feb 2016
Takht-i-Bahi: The Jewel of Pakistan’s Cultural Heritage
An ancient, beautiful Mahayana monastery
Uploaded 19 Jun 2015
The Life Story of Ani Zamba Chozom: Part Four - Finding the Nyingma Lineage
Part four of the extraordinary life of Ani Zamba Chozom!
Uploaded 5 Jun 2015
Sunbeam, Stone, Water, Wood: A Travelogue of Bongamsa Temple
A Buddhist wonder in the mountains of South Korea
Uploaded 27 Mar 2015
<i>Buddhistdoor View</i>: Palestine and Israel
The Polish historian Isaac Deutscher offered a famous analogy for the creation of the Israeli nation: a Jewish man leaps from a burning building and lands on a Palestinian, crippling him (Deutscher 19
Uploaded 15 Aug 2014
The ‘Double Dukkha’ of Craving and Addiction
Sangeeta Bansal Ph.D, a researcher and writer, is also the founder of a non-profit called Mindside, which aims to make the benefits of mindfulness meditation available to all. Mindside offers an eight
Uploaded 3 Jun 2014
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