Showing results for "trafficking"

Wildlife on the Brink
Addressing animal poaching and trafficking in South Africa
Uploaded 31 Mar 2017
Planetary Healing: Buddhism and World Ecology
2017's special issue on the environment
Uploaded 17 Mar 2017
<i>Buddhistdoor View</i>: The Complexities of Buddhist Conversion and the Indian Dalit Movement
When politics, social engagement, and spiritual conviction intersect
Uploaded 21 Oct 2016
Thadama Myintzu Nunnery: A Refuge for Girls at Risk
A Burmese nunnery protecting girls from trafficking and sex work
Uploaded 30 Jun 2016
<i>Buddhistdoor View</i>: A Buddhist Response to the Vatican’s Vesak Message
On 21 April, the Roman Catholic Church issued a Vesak message for the world’s Buddhists, titled “Buddhists and Christians, together to counter modern slavery.” The president of the Pontifical Council
Uploaded 15 May 2015
Buddhism, the Pearl River Delta and the Maritime Silk Road
The 2000-year-old Silk Road refers to the trade routes and transcontinental economy of Central Eurasia. However, its history is much richer when one looks into its maritime dimension. According to Cen
Uploaded 4 Jan 2014
"There's a lot of catching up to do" - Full Interview with Karma Lekshe Tsomo
Editor's note: Ven. Karma Lekshe Tsomo is the Branch and Chapter Coordinator of Sakyadhita International Association of Buddhist Women. In this series of seven questions we presented to her, she refle
Uploaded 14 Oct 2013
“Buddhism the only religion where I can be free as a woman” - Interview with Ven. Suniti
Willow Myers works full time as a child and family psychotherapist in a non-profit agency in Bellingham WA. She writes freelance in her spare time. She is currently enjoying writing about the Dharma.W
Uploaded 12 Oct 2013
Victimless Crimes – A Buddhist Response
Editor's note: This article was first published in the now-retired Bodhi Journal, Issue 12, June 2009.A crime is usually understood as the infringement of an established system of law of a commun
Uploaded 26 Apr 2013
Buddhism for Women, Women for Buddhism: Growing and Nurturing Involvement
Ven. Karma Lekshe Tsomo is the Branch and Chapter Coordinator of Sakyadhita International Association of Buddhist Women. In this series of seven questions we presented to her, she reflects on some key
Uploaded 15 Mar 2013
The Death of Pali – A tale of Yunnan, conservation, and urgency with Eisel Mazard
Editor’s note: Eisel Mazard is a Pāli scholar who has travelled extensively through Southeast Asia. In this interview, he shared with me his personal struggles in the volatile regions of Southea
Uploaded 15 Jan 2013
Generosity, Right Livelihood and Appreciation: Reflections on Buddhist lay life
Sometimes I feel that the choice to be a lay disciple in Buddhism matters just as much as choosing to be ordained. As laypeople we are obligated, in my opinion, to accept that our way of life is to fi
Uploaded 1 Sep 2011
Cyberkaya: Buddhism’s Place in a Future of High-tech Cyberspace
Buddhism is a vast religious and philosophical organism that has breathed 2,600 years of history. It gave birth to the oldest religious institution in the world, the saṅgha. It irrup
Uploaded 1 Jul 2008
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