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Dictionary Definition :

kodha : [m.] anger.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

Kodha [Vedic krodha fr. krudh, cp. kujjhati] anger. Nearest synonyms are āghāta (Dhs. 1060=Nd2 576, both expositions also of dosa), upanāha (always in chain rāga, dosa, moha, kodha, upanāha) and dhūma (cp. qumo/s, Mhg. toûm=anger). As pair k. and upanāha A i.91, 95; in sequence kodha upanāha makkha paḷāsa, etc. Nd2 rāga 1.; Vbh 357 sq.; Vism 53, 107, 306; in formula abhijjhā byāpāda k. upanāha M i.36; A i.299=iv.148; cp. A iv.456=v.209; v.39, 49 sq., 310, 361. As equivalent of āghāta Dhs 1060=Nd2 576, cp. Pug 18. In other combn: with mada and thambha Sn 245; kadariya Sn 362; pesuniya Sn 928; mosavajja Sn 866, 868 (cp. S i.169). Other passages, e. g. A i.283; S i.240; Sn 537, (lobha˚); Pv ii.37; Dh i.52 (anattha -- janano kodho); PvA 55, 222. -- kodha is one of the obstacles to Arahantship, and freedom from kodha is one of the fundamental virtues of a well-balanced mind. -- mā vo kodho ajjhabhavi "let not anger get the better of you" S i.240; māno hi te brāhmaṇa khāribhāro kodho dhūmo bhasmani mosavajjaŋ, etc. "anger is the smoke (smouldering) in the ashes" S i.169=Nd2 576. -- kodhaŋ chetvā cutting off anger S i.41=47=161=237; kodhaŋ jahe vippajaheyya mānaŋ "give up anger, renounce conceit" J i.23 25=Dh 221; kodhaŋ pajahanti vipassino: "the wise give up anger" It 2=7; panuṇṇa -- kodha (adj.) one who has driven out anger Sn 469; akkodhena jine kodhaŋ conquer anger by meekness Dh 223=J ii.4=VvA 69. Yo ye uppatitaŋ kodhaŋ rathaŋ bhantaŋ va dhāraye tam ahaŋ sārathiŋ brūmi -- "He who restrains rising anger as he would a drifting cart, him I call a waggoner" Dh 222, cp. Sn 1. -- akkodha freedom from anger, meekness, conciliation M i.44; S i.240 (with avihiŋsā tenderness, kindness); A i.95; Dh 223=J ii.4=VvA 69.
   -- âtimāna anger and conceit Sn 968. -- upāyāsa companionship or association with anger, the state of being pervaded with anger (opp. akkodh˚) M i.360, 363; often compared with phenomena of nature suggesting swelling up, viz. "uddhumāyika" kodhupāyāsassa adhivacanaŋ M i.144; "sa -- ummī" It 114; "sobbho papāto" S iii.109; -- garu "having respect for" i. e. pursuing anger (opp. saddhammagaru) A ii.46 sq., 84; -- paññāṇa (adj.) knowing the true nature of anger Sn 96 (cp. SnA 170); -- bhakkha feeding on, i. e. fostering anger, Ep. of a Yakkha S i.238; -- vinaya the discipline or control of anger A i.91; v.165, 167 (combd. with upanāha vinaya).

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

kodha: m. 憤怒

巴漢辭典 編者:(斗六) 廖文燦
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