Dictionary Definition :
kodhana : [adj.] peevish; uncontrolled (of mind).
A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]
Kodhana (adj.) [fr. kodha) having anger, angry, uncon- trolled]; usually in combn with upanāhin, e. g. Vin ii.89; D iii.45, 246; A v.156, cp. Sn 116; S ii.206; Pug 18. -- k˚ kodhābhibhūta A iv.94 sq.; k˚ kodhavinayassa na vaṇṇavādī A v.165. -- Used of caṇḍa PvA 83. -- Cp. S iv.240; M i.42 sq., 95 sq.; PvA 82. <-> akkodhana friendly, well -- disposed, loving D iii.159; S ii.207; iv.243; M i.42 sq., 95 sq.; Sn 19, 624, 850, 941; Vv 155; VvA 69.
Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
kodhana sutta , kodma , kodumbara , koel , kohāla , kodhabhakkha , kodha vagga/sutta , kodha , koddhangulikedāra , kodaṇḍa