kodha vagga/sutta
Dictionary Definition :
Kodha Vagga/Sutta
1. Kodha Vagga.-The sixteenth section of the Duka Nipāta of the Anguttara Nikāya.
2. Kodha Vagga.-The seventeenth section of the Dhammapada.
l. Kodha Suttā.-Two suttas on four persons showing regard to wrath, hypocrisy, gain and honour, and on the effect of these four qualities. A.ii.46.
2. Kodha Sutta.-A man who is given to wrath, hypocrisy, gain, and regard for honours, goes to purgatory. A.ii.84.
Dictionary of Pali Proper Names, G P Malalasekera (1899-1973), which is available as printed version from
kodhabhakkha , kodhana , kodhana sutta , kodma , kodumbara , kodha , koddhangulikedāra , kodaṇḍa , koci , kocchagalla