(二)長者之十德。即:姓貴、位高、大富、威猛、智深、年耆、行淨(持心律己)、禮備(威儀庠序,世所式瞻)、上歎(為在上者所歎服)、下歸(為在下者所歸向)。〔法華經文句卷五上、翻譯名義集卷五長者篇、維摩經略疏卷三〕(三) 弟子十德。大日經疏卷四,謂弟子欲受灌頂者,應具十德。即:信心、種姓清淨、恭敬三寶、深慧嚴身、堪忍無懈怠、尸羅淨無缺、忍辱、不慳吝、勇健、堅願行。然以上所說弟子之十德,若得兼備者甚稀,但有所偏長,可望匠成,即應攝受。(四) 日本僧侶著用的法衣之一。其形簡略,有若素襖,乃直綴之訛音。(參閱「直綴」3460)
The ten virtues, powers, or qualities, of which there are several groups, e.g. in the 華嚴經,十地品 there are 法師十德 the ten virtues of a teacher of the Law, i.e. he should be well versed in its meaning; able widely to publish it; not be nervous before an audience; be untiring in argument; adaptable; orderly so that his teaching can be easily followed; serious and dignified; bold and zealous; unwearied; and enduring (able to bear insult, etc.). The 弟子十德 ten virtues or qualities of a disciple according to the 大日經疏 4, are faith; sincerity; devotion to the trikāya; (seeking the) adornment of true wisdom; perseverance; moral purity; patience (or bearing shame); generosity in giving; courage; resoluteness.