The four paths in Abhidharmakośa 倶舎論 doctrine. (1) The path of preparation 加行道--the stage at which one gathers the energy for the development of the three stages of worthiness and the four roots of goodness (三賢、 四善根), practicing śīla, samādhi and prajñā. (2) The path of non-obstruction 無間道-- the stage where defilements are destroyed by the awakening of correct wisdom. (3) The path of liberation 解脱道--wherein one thought-moment of correct wisdom one awakens to reality. (4) The path of superb advancement 勝進道. Having awakened, one enters anew onto the path of meditation and wisdom.
The Dao or road means the nirvāṇa road; the 'four' are rather modes of progress, or stages in it: (1) 加行道 discipline or effort, i. e. progress from the 三賢 and 四善根 stages to that of the 三學位, i. e. morality, meditation, and understanding; (2) 無間道 uninterrupted progress to the stage in which all delusion is banished; (3) 解脫道 liberaton, or freedom, reaching the state of assurance or proof and knowledge of the truth; and (4) 勝進道 surpassing progress in dhyāni-wisdom. Those four stages are also associated with those of srota-āpanna, sakṛdāgāmin, anāgāmin, and arhat.
(一)指斷除煩惱、證得真理之四種過程。依此可證得涅槃果,為一切佛教修習方法之概括。即:(一)加行道(梵 prayoga-mārga),又稱方便道。即於無間道之前,為求斷除煩惱,而行準備之修行。(二)無間道(梵 ānantarya-mārga),又稱無礙道。即直接斷除煩惱之修行,由此可無間隔地進入解脫道。(三)解脫道(梵 vimukti-mārga),即已自煩惱中解脫,證得真理,獲得解脫之修行。(四)勝進道(梵 viśesa-mārga),又稱勝道、三餘道。即於解脫道之後,更進一步行其餘之殊勝行,而全然完成解脫;或滿足斷惑,而作觀察之修行。〔俱舍論卷二十五、瑜伽師地論卷六十九、大乘阿毘達磨雜集論卷九、大乘法苑義林章卷二末〕(參閱「勝進道」4864)
catasro gatayaḥ.
四道 (sì dào) “the four stages (of sainthood)”#
{not found at 《漢語大詞典》3.593.} ; {《大漢和辞典》3.31c(論語 etc.)} ;
Dharmarakṣa: {126b10} 猶如四道及至縁覺皆超(v.l. 越)一切諸凡夫學。《正法華經》亦復如斯,皆超一切上、中、下乘(p)
{K.416.15} srota-āpannaḥ sakṛd-āgāmy-anāgāmy-arhat-
Kumārajīva: {L.54b4} 須陀洹、斯陀含、阿那含、阿羅漢(p)