Showing results for "internet"

Taxing the Robots and Other Externalities
Making innovation sustainable
Uploaded 17 Mar 2017
Mindful Technology For Right Livelihood: Foundations and Examples
Enabling sustainable entrepreneurship, promoting ethical values
Uploaded 10 Mar 2017
Knowledge Technologies and Openness
The potential of the world at our fingertips
Uploaded 10 Feb 2017
The Rise of Artificial Intelligence and What it Means for Our Jobs
Will the advent of AI change society as we know it?
Uploaded 20 Jan 2017
Anukampa Bhikkhuni Project: Nuns’ Monastery Set to Become Reality
New developments in the initiative to establish a bhikkhuni monastery in the UK
Uploaded 9 Dec 2016
Harnessing Knowledge Technologies to Overcome Ignorance
Our new columnist seeks a more enlightened view of technology
Uploaded 11 Nov 2016
Procrastination, Determination, and Compassion
The spiritual perfection of adhitthana
Uploaded 7 Oct 2016
Dharma in Translation: Lhundup Damchö
On the path to female monasticism
Uploaded 2 Sep 2016
Tale of Three Whales: Life after Long Retreat
How your perspective changes after long retreat
Uploaded 3 Jun 2016
The Perfection of Giving
On the delight of generosity, practiced with mindfulness and unconditional love
Uploaded 24 Mar 2016
From Seoul to Somerville: The Founding of a Korean Won Buddhist Temple in Massachusetts
Tracing the spiritual journey of Rev. Youngju Kim
Uploaded 4 Mar 2016
A time for reflection and focus during the Winter Retreat
Uploaded 4 Dec 2015
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