Showing results for "jatakas"

A Buddhist Perspective on Organ Donation
Why organ donations are no longer taboo in Buddhist South Asia
Uploaded 3 Feb 2017
<i>Jataka Stories in Theravada Buddhism</i> and <i>The Ten Great Birth Stories of the Buddha</i> – Book Review
Collections of beloved tales of the Buddha's past lives
Uploaded 8 Jul 2016
<i>Excavations at Kanaganahalli (Sannati, Dist. Gulbarga, Karnataka)</i> – Book Review
A comprehensive study of a spectacular excavation of Buddhist history
Uploaded 18 Dec 2015
<i>An Archaeological History of Indian Buddhism</i> – Book Review
An ambitious study of Buddhist art and archaeology in India
Uploaded 18 Dec 2015
Buddhist Ministry Initiative Conference: Building Partnerships and Forging Ties
Learning Buddhist chaplaincy at Harvard Divinity School
Uploaded 24 Jul 2015
The Pirivena System of Buddhist Education in Sri Lanka
The Buddha is renowned as an accomplished teacher, and his sole purpose was to propagate the truth of life as he understood it. The Ariyapariyesana Sutta of the Majjhima Nikaya (Collection of middle-l
Uploaded 12 Dec 2014
Buddhist Ethics: Compassion for All
Dr. Lisa Kemmerer is a philosopher-activist dedicated to working against oppression, whether on behalf of the environment, nonhuman animals, or disempowered human beings. Her books include In Search o
Uploaded 21 Jan 2013
Buddhist Art and Symbolism
Andrey Terentyev discusses what symbolism means for Buddhist art
Uploaded 28 Oct 2010
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