Showing results for "kamakura period"

Shakubuku! The Advent of Nichiren Buddhism in India
A history of Nichiren Buddhism in India since 1931
Uploaded 18 Aug 2017
Does a Philosopher Have Buddha-nature?
Dōgen's take on the enlightened nature within us all
Uploaded 4 Nov 2016
Buddhism and Creative Writing, Part Two
Exploring creative writing as a Buddhist practice
Uploaded 21 Oct 2016
Drinking Tea—Meeting the Buddha
Gereon Kopf on Buddhism in the tea ceremony
Uploaded 18 Sep 2015
“Gleanings in Buddha-Fields”: Pure Land Buddhism in Tibet
The origins of “Pure Land Buddhism,” or more precisely, “the Buddhism of Pure Lands,” can be traced to the developmental stages of the Mahayana tradition. It bears both Indian
Uploaded 24 Apr 2015
Zen and the Art of Tea Drinking—an Exhibition at the Freer
There is a painting in the Freer Gallery of Art’s current exhibition, Zen, Tea, and Chinese Art in Medieval Japan, that beautifully symbolizes the remarkable cultural exchange and synthesis that
Uploaded 18 Feb 2015
Spiritual Crossroads (Part II): The Movement of Amida-shu in the West
Editor’s note: David Brazier is a Buddhist teacher, writer, and psychotherapist. He is President at Instituto Terapia Zen Internacional in Spain and the head of the Amida Order in the United Kingdom.
Uploaded 13 Feb 2014
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