Showing results for "Bhikkhuni Ordination"

On <i>Bhikkhunī Ordination</i> by Bhikkhu Analayo: An Interview with Bhante Kusala
Bhante Kusala translated Bhikkhu Analayo's latest book into Sinhala
Uploaded 7 Dec 2018
Reviving the Bhikkhuni Sangha in Indonesia: an Interview with Ayya Santini
Re-establishing the fourfold sangha
Uploaded 25 Nov 2016
The 2,600th Anniversary of the Global Bhikkhuni Sangha and Fourfold Sangha of the Buddha
Witnessing the revival of the female monasticism in the Buddhist world
Uploaded 9 Sep 2016
Anukampa Bhikkhuni Project: The First Buddhist Nunnery in the UK
A milestone for female monasticism in Britain
Uploaded 5 Aug 2016
Offering Welcome: Ayya Tathaloka
Interview with a pioneering Western Buddhist nun
Uploaded 8 Jul 2016
Mental Interplay: Venerable Analayo on Mindfulness and Memory
How mindfulness enhances memory and sharpens spiritual practice
Uploaded 30 Jun 2016
Reflections from the 14th Sakyadhita International Conference: Nurturing the Theravada Bhikkhuni Sangha
An examination of equal opportunity for ordination and Buddhist education for women
Uploaded 28 Aug 2015
<i>Buddhistdoor View</i>: Supporting the Ordination of Theravada Bhikkhunis
On 29 November, 8 bhikkhunis and 47 novices were ordained at Thippayasathandhamma Bhikkhuni Arama, a nunnery located on the islet of Koh Yor in Thailand’s Songhkla Province. The ceremony was performed
Uploaded 9 Jan 2015
Banning Ajahn Brahm’s speech on nuns was a spectacular own-goal
All religious traditions claim to exert moral and spiritual authority. Most of the great world faiths also like to believe they are aligned with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of the United N
Uploaded 30 May 2014
Traditionally-minded Buddhists will benefit most from fully ordained nuns
Every Buddhist would find it difficult to contest the idea that Buddhism values spiritual authority. Buddhism’s need for legitimate transmission inevitably means upholding the monastic sangha as the p
Uploaded 24 Sep 2013
Rita Gross: “Buddhism and Feminism have always shared a voice”
Although she is now retired, Professor Rita Gross cuts a familiar figure to her early days as an academic advocating gender equality. She remains a faithful Tibetan Buddhist, but fearless in critiquin
Uploaded 14 Aug 2013
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