Showing results for "consumption"

Pause and Reflect: Humanity from Illness into Wellness
The coronavirus pandemic offers an opportunity to quarantine consumption and empower humanity
Uploaded 27 Mar 2020
Measuring a Country’s Wealth by its Citizens’ Happiness
Gross National Happiness focuses on social well-being rather than consumption
Uploaded 15 Apr 2019
Meritorious Gifts at Tibetan Buddhist Centers in France: Some Paradoxes
Culture and contradiction: Buddhism in the West
Uploaded 21 Apr 2017
Childhood Pets, Animals, and Kindness
Cultivating compassion and making choices
Uploaded 7 Apr 2017
Wildlife on the Brink
Addressing animal poaching and trafficking in South Africa
Uploaded 31 Mar 2017
Planetary Healing: Buddhism and World Ecology
2017's special issue on the environment
Uploaded 17 Mar 2017
Taxing the Robots and Other Externalities
Making innovation sustainable
Uploaded 17 Mar 2017
Knowledge Technologies and Openness
The potential of the world at our fingertips
Uploaded 10 Feb 2017
Harnessing Knowledge Technologies to Overcome Ignorance
Our new columnist seeks a more enlightened view of technology
Uploaded 11 Nov 2016
<i>Buddhistdoor View</i>: The Dharma’s Place in the Global Climate Change Crisis
Buddhism has a key role to play in environmental awareness
Uploaded 4 Nov 2016
Pintu Belajar — Opening Doors to Learning
Giving the gift of education in Indonesia
Uploaded 23 Sep 2016
My Grandmother’s Greenhouse and Other Portals to Wonder
Nourishing the light of awe and enchantment
Uploaded 2 Sep 2016
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